Assessment Criteria


Envisioning is the most powerful basis of developing it into a project. The concept has to be dynamic in nature and should contribute to positive change-making in the sphere of its relevance. Best entries, through their innovation, will not only address a need or solve a problem but also seize an opportunity for growth and leadership in a new space. The ideas presented must hence be expansive of their overall plan of design, development and implementation.

Measurable Impact

Entries should be able to explain how the idea has the ability to deliver a positive measurable impact on society at large (e.g. accessibility or affordability or inclusiveness). The best projects will tackle a root problem or social issue making an impact.

Financial Sustainability

Ideas presented should have a clear plan to reach long-term goals. The strongest entries will outline how their solution can be sustained without relying on philanthropic donations or aid for core funding. If ideas are already at work, they should demonstrate fiscal responsibility and marketplace validation.


We are looking for the “game-changers” or “changemakers”, those who can lead the future with their ideas. The best entries will demonstrate how through creative approaches and solutions, an existing need or problem is being solved. However, problem-solving need not seek permanent intervention, but an intervention with a sustainable impact. The innovation must be able to present evidence of various distinctive advantages over other alternatives. Additionally, the submissions must propose a unique value proposition in relation to the cost of opportunity versus economic feasibility for its benefits. Such solutions (be it a product, application, service or practice/initiative or hybrid combinations of existing tools) must be capable of being prototyped. Ideas presented do not have to involve inventing something entirely new, but entries should describe how the ideas are original.


To ensure and identify how well the innovative idea can be incorporated into a practical scenario of various parts of the country. This includes its potential for collaboration with other entities. Further engagement of citizens in order to implement the same is also analyzed.


The potential of the project, idea or innovation to be scaled up for greater impact and opportunities to connect with other networks.

The pitches will also be assessed on the basis of the vision and clarity of the Team towards the idea.

Judging criteria 9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2
Innovation and Creativity 25% The concept is unique, interesting and creative, in a relatively uncontested market space Similar products/ services exist, but the concept has significant and meaningful differentiation from competitors Similar products/services exist, the concept has moderate differentiation from competitors Similar products/services exist, but the concept has minimal differentiation from them The concept provides no clear differentiation from existing competitors
Market Potential 25% Large market potential (USD 100 Million or more), problem that the concept solves is significant and potential customers illustrate there is a need Sizable market potential (USD 50M - 99 M) and the problem the concept solves is somewhat significant and common or significant but less common Moderate market potential (USD 25M - 49M), the problem the concept solves is either significant for a small set of users or less significant for a large set of users Limited market potential (USD 10M - 25M), the problem that the concept solves is not significant to users Low market potential (Less than USD10M), the problem that the concept solves is neither significant nor common
Feasibility 15% The technology required to develop the concept exists, the business model makes a compelling story for scalability, there is ample target market research and/or user feedback, pitch includes competition, benefits, and drawbacks of incumbents The technology required to develop the concept exists but isn’t affordable, the business model makes a reasonable argument for scalability, there is surface-level target market research and/or user feedback, pitch includes competition, benefits or drawbacks of incumbents The technology required to develop the concept exists but isn’t easily accessible or affordable, the business model makes a reasonable argument for scalability, there is an attempt to conduct target market research or user feedback, pitch includes competitors The technology required to develop the concept is in the progress of development, the business model is limited to a few regions, there is an attempt to conduct target market research or user feedback The technology required to develop the concept does not exist, the business model is not scalable, there is little to no attempt to conduct target market research or user feedback
Presentation Quality 15% The message is clear and compelling, there is a passionate story and need for the problem to be solved and the team can demonstrate how the product/service works with well-designated roles for all members of the team and a complete profile The message is clear or compelling, there is a passionate story and exploration of a need for the problem to be solved and the team can satisfactorily demonstrate how the product/service works with well-designated roles for all members of the team The message is clear, there is a passionate story or moderate exploration of a need for the problem to be solved, and the team attempts to demonstrate how the product/service works with roles for at least one member of the team The message is somewhat clear, there is an attempt at a moderate exploration of a need for the problem to be solved, and the team attempts to demonstrate how the product/service works The message is not clear, there is little to no attempt at an exploration of a need for the problem to be solved, and the team attempts to demonstrate how the product/service works
Commercial Viability 20% The business model touches on potential profit margins, cash flow, and value creation, as well as a proper, well-thought-of go-to-market strategy The business model touches on potential profit margins, cash flow and has a moderately proper go-to-market strategy The business model involves thought on profit margins, cash flow and have attempted a proper go-to-market strategy The business model involves thought on profit margins and a go-to-market strategy There is no business model or go to market strategy
Social Impact
(only after Round-2)
+ 10 marks for an idea which has a lasting and sustainable social impact!

We strongly recommend that you go through the following pages before starting your application.

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